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"Beary" efficient production model management mobilization meeting held

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-31 10:29
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"Beary" efficient production model management mobilization meeting held

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-31 10:29
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Newspaper News On May 31, 2021, the Group’s Efficient Production Mode Management Mobilization Conference was held in the multifunctional hall on the fourth floor of the headquarters. The group’s main leaders, heads of various departments and all management personnel of the production system participated in this meeting.
At the meeting, President Peng delivered a speech. He announced that the group will conduct a systematic evaluation of sales orders, production plans, procurement and costs, quality management and logistics in the next 9-month project cycle, and based on the evaluation report. Cooperate with the suggestions of the consulting team to standardize the process of each link and improve the overall efficiency. Specific measures include training relevant business backbones and grassroots management personnel to improve the overall management level of the team; establishing a reasonable performance appraisal plan that truly reflects the employment strategy of more work, more capable and mediocre; further clarification of the division of responsibilities and reasonable Allocate indicators and establish a refined management system. President Peng emphasized that all departments should fully cooperate with the cooperative consulting team and regularly summarize the results of project promotion.
Next, Ms. Hu from the cooperative consulting team gave a lecture on the theme of "Efficient Production Mobilization". He explained the basic concepts and ideas of this production improvement project from the aspects of cross-departmental collaboration, manager positioning, data tools, and management objectives. The implementation method was explained; Manager Guo of the consulting team emphasized the important role of the scientific management mechanism, hoping that everyone can overcome the difficulties and unaccustomed changes in the reform, actively participate in the project, and continuously improve their own capabilities. Subsequently, Group Vice President Li, starting from the production system, analyzed the current basic situation of the production system and the main problems faced by comparing the old and new production environment and employees after the group headquarters settled in Chashan, and fully demonstrated the necessity of the production improvement consultant project. sex.
At the end of the meeting, President Xu of the group delivered a concluding speech. Mr. Xu said that after 25 years of development, Baili is in a critical period of development and change, so a more powerful production and supply system is needed to support the ever-increasing market demand. Mr. Xu emphasized that the senior management of the company attaches great importance to this consulting project. The instructor of the external consulting team has put forward preliminary ideas for improvement on the problems found in the investigation stage, and hopes that the follow-up can really improve the implementation. The personnel of various departments should strongly support the promotion of this consulting project, and use this as an opportunity to improve their own work process, plan the work content as a whole, and consult the two mentors for the difficulties encountered during the project promotion.
At this point, the meeting ended successfully, and the group's decision-makers once again clarified the importance and urgency of an efficient production model. Finally, I wish this production improvement consultant project a smooth progress and achieve the expected goals!
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