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"Beary" Party Branch Launches Party History Learning Activities

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-31 10:32
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"Beary" Party Branch Launches Party History Learning Activities

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  • Time of issue:2021-05-31 10:32
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News from our newspaper On May 31, the "Beary" party branch carried out its first party building activity since its establishment. The theme of this event is "learning party history, not forgetting the original intention, knowing the party sentiment and moving forward". Through organizing all party members of the company to learn party history-related knowledge, watching party history education documentaries, reviewing the glorious history of the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, in the film The precious revolutionary cultural relics, touching historical pictures, and shocking revolutionary stories left a deep impression on everyone, and inspired everyone to carry forward the fine traditions and inherit the red gene.
On May 20, with the approval of the Chashan Township Committee of the Communist Party of China, the branch committee of Guangdong Baili Food Co., Ltd. of the Communist Party of China was formally established. At the beginning of the establishment of the "Bailey" party branch, party members from different positions were not familiar with each other. Through the exchange link of this event, each party member shared the experience and experience of this party history study, and combined with their own actual work content , Together discussed the practical ways of applying the effectiveness of party history learning to practical work.
In the future, the "Bailey" party branch will carry forward its own fighting defense role and the pioneering and exemplary role of party members, actively promote ideological and political work and mass work within the enterprise, and carry out various party building missions and corporate development Combining together, truly "do practical things, start a new game", and create a better tomorrow with a high-spirited attitude and full enthusiasm!
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